Saffron is known for its signature sweet taste and aroma. It is most commonly used in Indian, Persian, European, Arab and Turkish cuisines, although it has a wide range of uses across many types of fo

Curry is one complicated flavor. Complicated in that it is both a single spice made from a leaf (Murraya koenigii) and in that it is one of the most complex spice blends around.Earlier this summer

Next time you find yourself winning at a game of trivia, you can thank me for your Black Pepper spice knowledge.1. Black Pepper comes from the dried fruit peppercorn (piper nigrum). It grows on a

A few years back, India went from being a net Pepper exporter to a net Pepper importer.Chef Zieg's Favorites, Spice Geek, Spice Knowledge, Spices 101
A major Colorado resort came to me this week seeking a 7 or 8 pepper blend originally developed by a Frenchman named Pierre Poivre. My research led me to this blog post, which is a tremendous article