Chef Zieg Spice Classes with Denver’s Soulcrafting

Starting this fall I will be providing personalized spice classes through a local Denver/Boulder organization called Soulcrafting. This innovative new company aligns consumers with artisans of various trades. (You can read more about them in a recent issue of Westword.)
I don’t have to tell you that these days cooking and other food-focused classes, or experiences as Soulcrafting refers to them, are popular. And that means I’m in good company with other local food pros. Chef Angie Spuzak, Settembre Cellars, the Ugly Goat Milk Company, and others are on the Soulcrafting roster.
In addition to food, you can experience carpentry, gardening, apparel, and home brewing to name just a few. Prices vary, but one thing is always the same: None of the experiences are scheduled for a particular time. You coordinate the date/time with the artisan. In many cases you’re encouraged to bring friends along with you. My experience is set up that way.
For $350 I’ll meet with you and three friends at the Nutritious U commercial kitchen in north Denver. Of course, we’ll discuss whatever spice topics you like, but I’ll also dive into the spice must-haves and tips and tricks for cooking with them. All participants walk away with their own spice blends and a copy of The SPICES Poster.
How’s that for a Soulcrafting experience?