Meet Chef Kurt Stiles, America’s Healthy Chef
For nearly 20 years, Chef Kurt Stiles and I have been wonderful friends. Not only is he an amazing chef and impressive entrepreneur, he’s also my daughter’s Godfather and a stroke survivor.
You heard me right: Kurt survived a major stroke five years ago and has made an unusual recovery, which he gives credit to his change in diet. According to Kurt, eating whole grains, lean fats, and chemical-free foods is not a fad. They are imperative food choices that will prevent major disease and illness, and that is what inspired him to publish the new Cooking to Save Your Life cookbook.
“I woke up in the hospital after my stroke and could only say two words,” Kurt explained. “Once I returned home and was able, the first thing I did was clean out the pantry—no chemicals, no wheat, no corn, less sugar.”
Kurt also explains that he purchases as much as he can from the farmers’ markets and does his best to eat organic and local. As a research chef by background, he not only followed the advice of his doctors, including a naturopathic doctor, but he also spent many hours studying how diet leads to disease.
The cookbook is a culmination of that research and his personal experience. Both classic recipes and international recipes are represented in the book, but what really makes the cookbook stand out is that the recipes have four options—gluten free, allergy free, low glycemic, and non-dairy. Regardless of your particular eating needs, you will be represented in Cooking to Save Your Life.
Cooking to Save Your Life is available direct from Kurt’s website – Keep in mind that for only $49.95 you’ll be getting 100 recipes, each with alternative options to match your dietary restrictions. Plus, the book covers so much more than recipes. You’ll get a close look at Kurt’s experience recovering from his stroke—how he did it and what he recommends for someone in a similar situation.
This is an excellent read and excellent collection of recipes. I can’t recommend it enough.